LCCI Advisory Board 2024 - 2026


The Advisory Board of Lufthansa City Center International (LCCI) is a committee elected by the LCC members world-wide. Their task is to represent the individual regions as well understand and act in the best interest of the LCC members.

The board members meet up two times in a year. On these meetings the Advisory Board gives advice to the LCC General Management on the development of the LCC concept, projects and market trends.

As a business association, we are honored that Ana Maria Silva, Executive Director of our partner Hansaperu Consulting has been elected as a member of this selected group. Congratulations, Ana Maria!

We invite you to contact them for planning your next trip.

Av. Hipólito Unanue 225, Of. 604 | Miralfores, Lima - Peru
Telf.: 748-0770