Call of Tenders for two New Hospitals: Piura and Chimbote


Public-Private Partnership

The projects include the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of two hospital of increasing complexity in Piura and Chimbote; It also considers the provision of complementary (non- medical) services to provide care to the insured population in the departments of Ancash and Piura.

Specialized Hospital and Polyclinic of Increasing Complexity (PCC) and Contingency plan (Temporary Hospital) of Chimbote
Referential investment amount: USD 121 millions (CAPEX – without VAT)

Specialized Hospital of Piura
Referential investment amount: USD 159 millions (CAPEX – without VAT)

Deadline to submit Envelope N°1 (Shortlisting): August 2022

Opening of Envelopes N°3 and Award: 4th quarter 2022